Social parasites from the river to the ocean
Social parasites from the river to the ocean Tens of millions of parasites flew. They are not seasonal parasites. marching together, crossing the river and sea. stepping into our soil, land, air, and water grabbing our resources and energies established their faiths and beliefs scarfs, veils, beards, and Mullahs lawmakers, lawbreakers, criminals, and jihadists raping and beheading our bodies and souls Implementing Sharias and Hadiths in our land calling to gas the Jews calling for global INTIFADA consuming Israelis like They consume billions of animal lives. face off from my decency and dignity face off from my democracy and liberty face off from my freedom and peace terrorizing my peaceful lands with the slogans of Palestine ----------------------------------- --------------------- Go vegan! Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan Jewish lives matter; Animal Lives Matter. © 23 mins ago, Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla ---------------------------------------------------------------- ...