Social parasites from the river to the ocean
When a Jew is born, physiology dances
When a Jew is born, physiology dances.
When a Jew is born, chemistry dances.
When a Jew is born, physics dances.
When a Jew is born, literature dances.
When a Jew is born, economics dances.
When a Jew is born, social sciences dance.
When a Jew is born, the humanities dance.
When a Jew is born, life dances.
When Albert Einstein was born, physics danced.
When a Jew was born, physics, chemistry, medical sciences, economics,
social sciences, humanities, and human and animal lives danced.
N.B.: 59% of Nobel laureates in medical sciences, chemistry, physics, economics, literature, etc. are from the Jewish community, and the stunning point is that their population in the world is 0.2%, but their contribution to mankind, humanism, or the human and animal worlds is out of proportion to their population. The Jewish population in the world is between 15 and 20 million, whereas there is a 2 billion Islamic population, and their contribution to the world is terrorism, crimes against humanity, and peace...
Go vegan! Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla,poet/vegan
or Upanayana
Imprisoning the soul and body
eliminating untouchable beings
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Go vegan! Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan
The evil system in the Hindu religion © 1 hour ago, Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla
The Holocaust and the October 7
Never gone, never forgotten
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Go vegan! Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan
The Holocaust and the October 7 © 56 mins ago, Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla
Ask our Jewish Nobel laureates
Ask our Jewish Nobel laureates, Elie Wiesel, Imre Kertész, and François
Englert, about their personal experiences of extermination camps during the
Ask our Jewish Nobel laureates Hans Bethe, Walter Kohn, Otto Stern, Albert
Einstein, Hans Krebs, and Martin Karplus about their lived experience with
persecution from Nazi Germany.
Ask our Jewish Nobel laureates, Rita Levi-Montalcini, Herbert Hauptman, Robert
Furchgott, Arthur Kornberg, and Jerome Karle, to share their personal
experiences with antisemitism in their careers.
Ask our 0.2% Jewish community to know their condition in Western spaces with
the rise of 200 million Islamists, 500 million liberals, 100 million lefties,
200 million laborers, 10 million queers, and 200 million BLM.
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Go vegan! Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan
the deep-rooted anti-Semitism in Western spaces © 25 mins ago, Dr.Suryaraju
When a Jew is born, physiology, medicine, or life are cherished
Paul Ehrlich, Elie Metchnikoff, Robert Bárány, Otto Meyerhof, Karl Landsteiner,
Otto Warburg, Otto Loewi, Joseph Erlanger, Sir Ernst Chain, Hermann Muller,
Gerty Cori, Tadeus Reichstein, Selman Waksman, Sir Hans Krebs, Fritz
Lipmann, Joshua Lederberg, Arthur Kornberg, Konrad Bloch, Francois Jacob,
André Lwoff, George Wald, Marshall Nirenberg, Salvador Luria, Julius
Axelrod, Sir Bernard Katz, Gerald Edelman, David Baltimore, Howard Temin,
Baruch Blumberg, Rosalyn Yalow, Daniel Nathans, Baruj Benacerraf, Sir John
Vane, César Milstein, Michael Brown, Joseph Goldstein, Stanley Cohen, Rita
Levi-Montalcini, Gertrude Elion, Harold Varmus, Edmond Fischer, Alfred G.
Gilman, Martin Rodbell, Stanley Prusiner, Robert Furchgott, Paul Greengard,
Eric Kandel, Sydney Brenner, H. Robert Horvitz, Richard Axel, Andrew Z. Fire,
Bruce Beutler, Ralph Steinman, James Rothman, Randy Schekman, Michael Rosbash,
Harvey Alter, David Julius, Drew Weissman
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Go vegan! Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan
When a Jew is born, physiology, medicine, or life are cherished © 6 mins ago,
Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla
When a Jew is born, physics dances
Albert Michelson, Gabriel Lippmann, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, James Franck,
Otto Stern, Isidor Rabi, Wolfgang Pauli, Felix Bloch, Max Born, Igor Tamm, Ilya
Frank, Emilio Segrè, Donald Glaser, Robert Hofstadter, Lev Landau, Eugene
Wigner, Richard Feynman, Julian Schwinger, Hans Bethe, Murray Gell-Mann, Dennis
Gabor, Leon Cooper, Brian Josephson, Ben Mottelson, Burton Richter, Arno
Penzias, Sheldon Glashow, Steven Weinberg, Arthur Schawlow, K. Alexander
Müller, Leon Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, Jack Steinberger, Jerome Friedman,
Georges Charpak, Martin Perl, Frederick Reines, David Lee, Douglas Osheroff,
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Zhores Alferov, Vitaly Ginzburg, Alexei Abrikosov,
David Gross, H. David Politzer, Roy Glauber, Saul Perlmutter, Adam Riess, Serge
Haroche, François Englert, J. Michael Kosterlitz, Barry Barish, Rainer Weiss,
Arthur Ashkin, and Andrea Ghez
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Go vegan! Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan
When a Jew is born, physics dances © Now, Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla
When a Jew is born, chemistry dances
Adolf von Baeyer, Henri Moissan, and Otto Wallach
Richard Willstätter, Fritz Haber, and George de Hevesy
Melvin Calvin, Max Perutz, and Christian B. Anfinsen
William Howard Stein, Ilya Prigogine, and Herbert C. Brown
Paul Berg, Walter Gilbert, Roald Hoffmann, and Aaron Klug
Jerome Karle, Herbert A. Hauptman, and John Polany
Sidney Altman, Rudolph A. Marcus, and George Andrew Olah
Harry Kroto, Walter Kohn, and Alan J. Heeger
Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Hershko, and Irwin Rose
Roger D. Kornberg, Martin Chalfie, and Ada Yonath
Dan Shechtman, Robert Lefkowitz, and Arieh Warshel
Michael Levitt, Martin Karplus
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Go vegan! Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan
When a Jew is born, chemistry dances © Now, Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla rhyme
millions of Paul Kessler and Samuel Patys
200 million illegal crescents
A billion lives are at high risk.
everywhere Samuel Patys
everywhere, just-born crescents,
Beheading Samuel Patys
millions of Paul Kesslers in fear
everywhere, fear of death
Life is at high risk, just like
My animals live at the slaughterhouse.
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Go vegan! Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan
millions of Paul Kesslers © Now, Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla
Screams Without Life on October 7
Sexual Screams without Words in the October 7 Modern Holocaust
Sexual Screams Without Life in the Holocaust
Sexual screams without sound in the Hamas attack and hostage spaces.
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Go vegan!...Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan
The western liberal and leftist forces are hiding the sexual violence of Hamas
in the October 7 attack against Jewish children and women. © Now, Dr.Suryaraju
When a Jew is born, chemistry dances
Adolf von Baeyer, Henri Moissan, and Otto Wallach
Richard Willstätter, Fritz Haber, and George de Hevesy
Melvin Calvin, Max Perutz, and Christian B. Anfinsen
William Howard Stein, Ilya Prigogine, and Herbert C. Brown
Paul Berg, Walter Gilbert, Roald Hoffmann, and Aaron Klug
Jerome Karle, Herbert A. Hauptman, and John Polany
Sidney Altman, Rudolph A. Marcus, and George Andrew Olah
Harry Kroto, Walter Kohn, and Alan J. Heeger
Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Hershko, and Irwin Rose
Roger D. Kornberg, Martin Chalfie, and Ada Yonath
Dan Shechtman, Robert Lefkowitz, and Arieh Warshel
Michael Levitt, Martin Karplus
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Go vegan! Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan
When a Jew is born, chemistry dances © Now, Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla rhyme
Sexual Screams without Words in the October 7 modern holocaust
Sexual Screams without Life in the Holocausts
Sexual Screams without Sound in the hostage spaces
Anti-Semitism at All Poetry
When I was writing against anti-Semitism in Western spaces, All Poetry removed
my work, "Havard/MIT/UPenn Freedom of Speech: Gas the Jews," from
their platform. Another October 7 attack on my work on the Jewish community,
but a different method is called "censorship," or being blocked,
banned, or removed from the public spheres.
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Go vegan!...Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan
Have you ever sat in a railcar?
That have a total length of 31 feet 6 inches (9.6 meters) and interior space
for deportees of 26 feet 2 inches (8 meters).
That total height is 14 feet (4.3 meters) from the bottom of the wheel to the
highest point of the car; interior space for deportees (ceiling curves down
from the middle): 7 feet (4 inches) (2.2 meters) at the center; 7 feet (2.1
meters) at the sides.
That total width is 10 feet 1 inch (3.1 meters, including the roofing);
interior space for deportees is 8 feet 10 inches (2.7 meters).
that total length is 31 feet, 6 inches (9.6 meters); total height is 14 feet.
Total width: 10 feet 1 inch (3.1 meters, including the roofing); interior space
for deportees: 8 feet 10 inches (2.7 meters).
You can't ask the 6 million human beings who were deported in this railcar from
the Warsaw ghetto for a final solution in the Nazi period, but ask the
survivors of the Holocaust to know how much anti-Semitism means to them to know
our October 7 carnage or to understand what Free Palestine Voices to their
lives is.
Mia Schem, Released Hostage
“It’s important to me
To reveal the truth about the people
Who live in Gaza,
About who they really are.
Everyone there is a terrorist.”
Jew the Light:Jesus Christ, Albert Einstein, Karl Marx
Gas the Jews, Gas the Jesus Christ,
Gas the Christianity, Gas the Christendom
Gas the Jew, Gas, Albert Einstein, Gas, and the Sciences
Gas the Jew, Gas, Karl Marx, Gas the working class, and
Gas the social sciences and humanities
Gas the Jew, Gas the Light
The Holocaust gassed 6 million Jesus Christs, Albert Einsteins, and Karl Marxs.
October 7 gassed 1400 Jesus Christs, Albert Einsteins, and Karl Marxs.
Free Palestine is gassing 0.2% of Jesus Christ, Albert Einstein, and Karl Marx
across Western spaces.
Wester Rulers
Mohammed, Ahmed,
Barak, Obama
Islam, Muslim
Khan, Sayyad,
Shaik, Imam
Mustafa, Ayub
Omar, Ilhar,
Rashida, Aisha
Aaida, Aaliya
200 million Islamists
The Civilian
A civilian cherishes democratic principles.
Against the principles of violence and crimes
A civilian cherishes civilizational principles.
Against the principles of savages and slogans of gas
A civilian cherishes life principles.
Against the principles of death and intimidation
A civilian cherishes artistic and aesthetic principles.
Against principles of anti-artistic or anti-aestitics
A civilian is a civilized being against a savaged being.
A civilian is a lifeline to love and peace.
Palestinian civilians are not our democratic beings.
Jihadi civilians cherish death, which they worship five days a day.
It is a killing machine and has failed to qualify our democratic principles for
centuries upon centuries.
A civilian is a civilized being who cherishes life.
Just like our rave dancers, unlike our queers, blacks, liberals, laborers,
rights, and feminists that cherish death
An Israeli civilian whose theories and knowledge flourished through the
outstanding theories of Albert Einstein, Karl Marx, Hannah Ardent, or the
spiritual theories of Jesus Christ is a true civilian in the word or spirit of
the word "civilian."
“Speaking with an untouchable
Looking at him
Stepping on his shadow is prohibited
And making me (Dvija) impure”
(Apastamba D S; Vishnu S 71.58-59;
Satapatha Brahmana 14:1:1:31; Parasara S 6.22;
Kurma Purana 11..34.80; Usana Samhita 9.89)
Primary for death
Veils and scarves are calling for my death.
Beards and Aisha are calling for my death.
Free Palestine is calling for my death.
INTIFADA is calling for my death.
Freedom of speech is calling for my death.
Freedom of expression is calling for my death.
Book number 54, Hadith 103, is calling for my death.
Lefties or liberals are calling for my death.
Blacks or queers are calling for my death.
Gas chambers and concentration camps are calling for my death.
The Holocaust, or October 7, is calling for my death.
A ceasefire and humanitarian aid are calling for my death.
East and West are calling for my death.
Caste and untouchability are calling for my death.
The primary message of those sacred texts is to kill me.
I was born to die, just like those living creatures lining gas chambers and
slaughterhouses to please every aspect of a cruel human being.
Harvard/MIT/UPenn Freedom of Speech: Gas the Jews
When the voice for gassing Jews is at its highest peak
Our knowledge centers stood for the gas.
When “free Palestine” voices gas the Jews
Our liberals stood for the gas.
When "the Holocaust happened”
Our Red Cross stood for the Holocaust.
When does “October 7” happen?
Our UNO stood for the elimination of the Jewish state.
When calls to stone the Jews to death
States stood to stone to death Jews
When Palestinians kill Queers
Western Queers stood for Palestine.
When Islamists kill queers, non-faithholders,
nudes, feminists, labor, radicals,
Nudes and feminists stood for Islamists.
The darkest of the dark, the evil of the evil
Moral-less, vicious circles, evolving creatures
I lived five years among them.
I have been a second husband to her.
As I saw her and the community
I was forced to say the phrase “Can the Ethiopian change his skin” from the
Bible (Jeremiah 13:23–24) is a million times true.
If there is any Atavik life on earth, it is in Africa.
Ethiopia is the mother of Atavik's life.
Go vegan!... Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet, vegan
Thus, Untouchable Speaks
I did not know until I was killed, like my tens of millions of untouchable
castes were killed, maimed, raped, dismembered, lynched, and gassed like Jews
and animals in slaughterhouses for simple violations or for exercising basic
human rights like sitting or walking with footwear or speaking or wearing a
white dress in front of my Hindu masters for generations, until my Pundit Doctor
Suryaraju Mattimalla read Manu Smriti 8.281 and Vishnu Smriti 5.20, “My
buttocks (untouchable buttocks) shall be gushed if I (untouchable) sit on the
same seat with a Hindu person.”.
Thus, Untouchable Speaks
I did not realize why tens of millions of untouchables have been killed,
maimed, and raped for simple violations of sitting, walking, drinking water, or
wearing dresses in front of my Hindus for millions of years until I was killed
for sitting in front of my Hindu masters.
I did not realize that I was killed for sitting in front of my Hindu woman
master until my Pundit Doctor Suryaraju Mattimlla read Mahabharata 12.165.56
and Agni Purana 169.25–32, which allowed my Hindu masters to kill my untouchable
body for sitting or for wearing footwear in front of them.
I realized when I was killed for sitting in front of my Hindu master simply as
she kills chicken or bird every day and enjoying her privileged status for
immunity according to her Hindu scripture that says “penance for killing an
untouchable is the same as penance for killing a dog, bear, frog, crow, or owl
(Mahabharata 12.165.56; Agni Purana 169.25–32).
The Holocaust Ocean
“Largest and deepest than the Pacific
Thickest and darkest than Amazon”
Go vegan!---Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, Poet, Vegan
Thus spoke ‘Untouchable’ Kanchikacherla Kotesu
"I did not know till I (Kanchikacherla Kotesu) was burned alive on
February 24, 198, that...
I should be burned alive for my adultery with a Kamma caste Hindu woman until
my teacher, Pundit Doctor Suryaraju Mattimalla, read Matsya Purana. (227.131);
Vaishtha Grhyasutras and Dharmasutras (21.1-3); and Manu (8.374).
“If an untouchable marries a high-caste Hindu girl, then he must be put to
death. If untouchable commits adultery with a Hindu woman, then he is to be
burned alive” (Matsya Purana, 227.131; Vaishtha Grhyasutras and Dharmasutras,
21.1-3; Manu 8.374).
=================================== =
Go vegan!---Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, Poet, Vegan
The French history teacher Samuel Paty was killed and beheaded by six Muslim
minor children on October 16, 2020, in France. The shockwave is universal, so
freedom of speaking the truth and freedom of expression have also been silenced
and killed universally.
“Never Again 2010, July 4, October 7”.
2010 is the year my first baby was a victim of honor killing in India. It is
Hindu terrorism against humanity. July 7, 2023, is the date when my second baby
boy Stanford was killed by forceful vaccination by a German gynecologist in
Germany, and October 7, 2023, is the modern holocaust of the Jewish community
committed by Muslims, in which crimes against humanity and crimes against peace
have taken place.
According to statistics from the French government, 24% of children are born to
French mothers and Muslim fathers every year. Please remember that Muslim men
never own the children born to non-Muslim women. He doesn’t even consider any
non-Muslim women to be his first wife. He treats every non-Muslim woman as a
concubine and prostitute. Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, and
other parts of Europe and the West have similar statistics to France. That is
why Islamic terrorism is deeply rooted since half of the population is Islamic.
When Book 54, Hadith 103 says: The judgment hour will not begin until you fight
the Jew until a Jew will hide behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree
will say, “O Muslim, o Slave of Allah, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill
him (Book 54, Hadith 103).
"The peaceful Muslim community never fails to spread its genocide,
holocaust, carnage, and massacre against non-Muslims to establish their global
Muslim society. Israel is doing a service to humanity by all means. More
strength to Israel.”
One can see 4, 5, 7, 10, and 12-year-old Muslim girls holding AK-47 guns to
kill Jewish people in various videos while still projecting themselves as
innocent by saying “I did nothing,” as if the world is blind to their Jihadi
activities against non-Muslim communities across the globe, particularly
against Jewish people after the October 7 modern holocaust.
It is the way of life of every Muslim everywhere to have sex and marry their
own daughters and sisters across the globe. The BBC, CNN, and Al Jazeera have
produced many documentaries on this issue. You can just google them on the
above media channels, and the government of Germany has also documented the
everyday lives of Muslim fathers and their ways of having sex with their
daughters in Germany.
The German government published domestic crimes against Muslim girls and women
within the family in Germany. Please go through a few examples of crimes
committed by Islamic ideology.
Example (Child)
“A father had sex with his 12-year-old daughter. It hurt. The girl also had a
feeling that what he did was not right. The father explained to the daughter
that she was just prettier than her mother and that it was his duty as a father
to show her what sex was all about. She felt guilty towards her mother and
noticed that the mother pulled away from her. She also believed that she was
responsible for the fact that her father looks.
The girl never got any support within her family, but she enjoyed school and
especially liked a particular female teacher. She also got along well with the
mothers of her two girlfriends at school”--- P.18. Violence protection for
women in Germany. Protection and safety from violence for women and adolescent
refugees in Germany. 2016. Published by Ethno-Medical Center Germany,
Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum, e.V., KonigstraBe 6.30175, Germany.
“A father asserts that he loves his 12-year-old, female child more than
anything. He explains to the child that this is the reason why he cuddles it.
He wants to touch every part of its body. Grandmother comes to visit every
Sunday. She wants a kiss from the 12-year-old. Both Dad and Grandma cite ‘good
reasons’ for touching or kissing the child. “That’s what we do in our family,
that’s why you have to hold still and why you mustn’t talk about it. “Her
father explains that in his country of origin, all fathers have sex with their
daughters and now it is her turn because, after four children, Mum is no longer
sexually active. But the father also says that she is not allowed to talk about
it. Otherwise, it will be her fault if her Dad goes to prison”. P.8. Violence
protection for women in Germany. Protection and safety from violence for women
and adolescent refugees in Germany. 2016. Published by Ethno-Medical Center
Germany, Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum, e.V., KonigstraBe 6.30175, Germany.
“Girl, four years of age. All perpetrators in this case were partners or
friends of the mother. One had purposely chosen the mother. He had looked for
her using a personal advertisement and then noticed that she had a young daughter.
This partner was looking for sex with children and quickly gained ‘access’ to
the little girl as they were all living in the same household. The mother did
nothing to stop the violence. She was afraid of being abandoned.” P.17.
Violence protection for women in Germany. Protection and safety from violence
for women and adolescent refugees in Germany. 2016. Published by Ethno-Medical
Center Germany, Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum, e.V., KonigstraBe 6.30175,
Example (A 4-year-old girl):
“A four-year-old girl grew up in an unusual environment where sexual violence
was ‘normal’. The mother did not want to and could not protect the child; she
was unable to ask for assistance because she did not know that her daughter
needed help. The daughter lost the sense of her physical self, her
self-confidence and was disgusted with her own body.
In the end she no longer washed her-self. At the same time, she desired
attention: she had learned to get through sex and convinced her school friends
to perform sexual acts. This behavior was observed and categorized as
sexualized behavior. This was the trigger for involving a professional--- P.20.
Violence protection for women in Germany. Protection and safety from violence
for women and adolescent refugees in Germany. 2016. Published by Ethno-Medical
Center Germany, Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum, e.V., KonigstraBe 6.30175,
“If only I had not come to this place…” or “if only I had agreed to sleep with
him. I should just accept that he is my husband and has the right to sleep with
me.” P.19. Violence protection for women in Germany. Protection and safety from
violence for women and adolescent refugees in Germany. 2016. Published by
Ethno-Medical Center Germany, Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum, e.V., KonigstraBe
6.30175, Germany.
Example (adult woman):
“For a period of years, a man has been talking his wife into having sex with
him whenever he pleases. This means he also forces her to sleep with him
against her will. She is obliged to satisfy him sexually. To get his way, he
does not mind hurting her emotionally not physically. Women often submit out of
fear of being beaten and because they think the man is acting within his
rights. Many partners affirm this view by saying that it is her own fault. If she
didn’t resist and just played along, he wouldn't have to force her and that,
being her husband, he had a right to her after all--- P.9. Violence protection
for women in Germany.” Protection and safety from violence for women and
adolescent refugees in Germany. 2016. Published by Ethno-Medical Center
Germany, Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum, e.V., KonigstraBe 6.30175, Germany.
Example (adult woman):
“The mother of a four-year-old girl has herself experienced sexual violence
from her father when she was a child. As a mother she was unable to protect
herself and her daughter. Moreover, she had learned to get into relationships
with men through sex. Her daughter has already taken this on at the age of
twelve. The family worker asked why the mother had not protected her daughter
from the assaults of her partners. The mother answered: “it seemed normal to
me---I had experienced it the same way, after all.” P.23. Violence protection
for women in Germany.” Protection and safety from violence for women and
adolescent refugees in Germany. 2016. Published by Ethno-Medical Center
Germany, Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum, e.V., KonigstraBe 6.30175, Germany.
Never again, July 4 or October 7.
Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla: "Justice for my son Stanford"
Love, Truth, and Justice For Stanford
Dear Hon’ble Chancellor
A German gynecologist vaccinated my African wife Repevax on June 28, 2023, in
the Bajuwarenstr., 1A asylum camp, Regensburg, which killed my son, Stanford
Suryaraju Mattimalla, on July 2 or 3.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023, was the burial date of my son Stanford in Regensburg,
Who is responsible for the death of my baby boy, Stanford Suryaraju Mattimalla?
Is caste, race, ethnicity, or untouchability in India, Ethiopia, the Czech
Republic, and Germany responsible for the death of my baby boy on Tuesday, July
4, 2023, at the Caritas-Krankenhaus St. Josef in Regensburg, Germany?
@Bundeskanzler @BMG_Bund @GermanyDiplo @BMI_Bund @AfdRegensburg @AfD
@AfDimEUParl @AfDBerlin @AfDimBundestag @POTUS @foxnewspolitics @FoxNews
@EU_Commission @NancyFaeser @Bundeskanzler @BMG_Bund @POTUS @guardian @nytimes
@lemondefr @elpaisinenglish @derspiegel @spiegelonline @SPIEGEL_English
@EUCourtPress @amnesty @UN @hrw @UNHumanRights @NATO @EU_Commission @UNGeneva
Dear Hon’ble Chancellor
A German gynecologist vaccinated my African wife Repevax on June 28,2023, in
the Bajuwarenstr.,1A asylum camp, Regensburg, which killed my son, Stanford
Suryaraju Mattimalla, on July 2 or 3.
@Bundeskanzler @NancyFaeser @BMG_Bund @foxnewspolitics @FoxNews
Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla: "Justice for my son Stanford" Love, Truth,
and Justice For Stanford #JusticeForStanfordSuryarajuMattimalla
#JohnRawlsianVoiceForStanford #NancyFraserianVoiceForStanford
@Bundeskanzler @NancyFaeser @GermanyDiplo @POTUS @BMI_Bund
Dear Hon'ble Chancellor,
I want justice in Germany.I am physically abused and dehumanized by 10
Muslims.Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, author,victim
@Bundeskanzler @NancyFaeser @GermanyDiplo @AfDimEUParl @POTUS @foxnewspolitics
@FoxNews @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @JustinTrudeau
UNO Chief and its Staff Must Resign for Celebrating the Modern October 7
@antonioguterres @UNRWA @JustinTrudeau @Bundeskanzler @BMG_Bund @GermanyDiplo
@BMI_Bund @AfdRegensburg @AfD @AfDimEUParl @AfDBerlin @POTUS @foxnewspolitics
@FoxNews @EU_Commission @NancyFaeser @UN
UNRWA's teachers and employers celebrated the modern holocaust of Jews on
October 7
@antonioguterres @UNRWA @JustinTrudeau @Bundeskanzler @BMG_Bund @GermanyDiplo
@BMI_Bund @AfdRegensburg @AfD @AfDimEUParl @AfDBerlin @POTUS @foxnewspolitics
@FoxNews @EU_Commission @NancyFaeser @UN